WIFUND -8- WLAN Disrupters

Let’s hold this chapter short.
As we’re sending and receiving signals in the 2,4GHz and 5GHz band, there also other devices that sending there signals out here and these aren’t wifi-devices ;).

First there is WiMax. It’s used as an alternative to DSL to serve household over the air. WiMax is a last-mile wireless broadband access operating amongst other things at 2-11GHz.

The Internet-of-Things, some say a great invention other say it’s hell.
ZigBee operates in the 2,4GHz band and it’s most popular application is Phillips HUE.
It’s used to operate lamps, meters and many other things you need for your connected house. It is not a rarity to find a household with >20 devices connected.

Bluetooth, everybody know it – everybody use it. It only sends in a small cell but if there are many devices it can generate a disturbing noise for our WiFi. It also operates in the 2,4Hz band.

There are some more devices that can disturb our Wifi. Every device that operates in the same unlicensed frequency space can do that. Microwave oven, wireless cameras, wireless gaming controllers, DECT telephones, motion detectors,….a long list you see.

The microwave oven may only be a problem during lunch time, where everybody heats up there meal. Because it’s generates a noise that can affect the signal quality, end up missing packets or shuttering phone calls with a WiFi-Phone.

Fluorescent lights can have impact because they’re changing the way a signal get’s reflected. It’s not the frequency they’re operating at, it’s the fact that they’re operate at 50-60Hz, very slow. If the signal is hitting the light if it’s charged the signal and sometimes if it’s not charged and this is changing the reflection.

And great news for me and maybe for you too:
WE’RE DONE WITH THE PHYSICS…..let’s start with the WLC!

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